Archive for the ‘Academia’ category


April 11th, 2009

My work on Matrix multiplication’s single element correction has been accepted for publication at the International Online Testing Symposium 2009 (IOLTS 09). This work was held with the collaboration of Carlos A. Lisboa, Dhiraj K. Pradhan and Luigi Carro.

Title: IOLTS 09
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Link out: Click here
Description: International Online Testing Symposium
Start Date: 2009-24-06
End Date: 2009-26-06

Workshop on Analogue IC Design

February 26th, 2009

Title: Workshop on Analogue IC Design
Location: STFC’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)
Description: Introductory Tutorial Workshop on Analogue IC Design
Date: 2009-03-03


Day 1: Convene 10.00

Introduction to the Microelectronics Support Centre

The IC6 Design Framework

Schematic Design

Basic Analogue Simulation

Exploring Simulation Results

Day 2: Convene 09:15

Exploring Simulation Results (cont’d)

Sweeps and Corner Analysis

Monte Carlo Simulation

Circuit Optimisation

Day 3: Convene 09:15

Yield Improvement

Higher-level models and the Hierarchy Editor

Going home

December 20th, 2008

Title: Going Home
Location: Cyprus
Link out: Click here
Description: I am going home for Christmas holidays. Hoping to find some time to make corrections of my thesis finally.
Start Date: 2008-12-21
End Date: 2009-01-14

Back from IOLTS

July 14th, 2008

Just returned from IOLTS 08. I will upload some pictures from the conference soon.


May 27th, 2008

Visit to CAPE is postponed for one week.

Visit CAPE

May 16th, 2008

Title: Visit CAPE
Location: University of Cambridge
Description: Visit CAPE at the University of Cambridge for tools experience.
Start Date: 2008-05-26
End Date: 2008-06-06

April 14th, 2008

Just received the notification of acceptance for my 24th publication. Another 6 papers to reach 30. Click here for more.